Instructions for authors
You are expected to prepare your manuscript according to our Journal’s guidelines and requirements as detailed in these instructions. Papers that fail to conform in major ways will be returned before they are processed.
We welcome manuscripts presenting significant contributions that extend our understanding of communication phenomena and processes. During the process of submitting your manuscript online, please indicate the type of contribution you are submitting from the following: Original Articles: up to 3000 words; Research Studies: up to 4000 words; General Articles: up to 3500 words; Case Studies: up to 2000 words; Outlook on Communication: up to 1700 words; Position Papers: up to 1500 words; Short Contributions (Brevia: up to 1200 words; Perspectives: up to 1000 words); Articles in specific formats (Interviews: up to 2500 words; Comments: up to 800 words; Books et al.: up to 700 words; Conference Reports: up to 600 words; Biographies, Tributes or Obituaries: up to 400 words; Letters to the Editor: up to 500 words).
B.1. General style and layout
Any word-processing package may be used to prepare your manuscript, but files in Microsoft Word are preferred. The articles due to be sent should be saved either in Microsoft Word (.doc) or in Rich Text Format (.rtf). Do not “lock” or “page protect” documents. Please send only one manuscript text file. Do not upload pdf files, Excel files, or zipped files. Figures are to be uploaded individually as separate files. Break the text into mainly brief paragraphs of up to 7 sentences. Provide frequent section headings that alert readers to the content of the paragraphs that follow. For paragraph indents use the TAB key once. Authors should comply with the following editing requirements:
General format. Page setup: – Paper Size: A4 (metric) paper (29.7 cm X 21 cm); Paper Orientation: Portrait; Margins: Top & Bottom: 4.8 cm, Left & Right: 4 cm; Do not use headers or footers in your paper. Fonts: use Times New Roman and follow the sizes specified below: 9 pt for Footnotes; 10 pt Table captions 11 pt (italic) for Abstract; 12 pt for the Main text; 12 pt (bold) for Author(s) name and section titles; 14 pt (bold), Small Caps, for the Title of the paper. All texts should be typed double-spaced, with justified margins, excluding acknowledgements, tables, legends and references, witch should be single-spaced. The text on the title page should be center aligned. All pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the title page.
While the editors encourage contributions from diverse cultures, papers must be submitted using good quality English, having been carefully checked for errors and inconsistencies before submission. English, American or Australian spelling is acceptable provided usage is consistent. If English is not your first language, please get the paper proof-read by a native speaker prior to submission. Exceptionally we accept papers written in Romanian, French or Italian.
Manuscripts must be assembled in the precise order listed below:
Title page. On the first page, identify the journal section your submitting manuscript corresponds. Give the paper’s full title. Provide the full names of all authors (with the first name preceding the second name and with one forename in full for each author, other forenames being given as initials), their position titles/ academic degree(s) and current institutional affiliations, city and country. Indicate the name and full contact information (email address, postal address as well as fax and phone numbers) of the corresponding author. The e-mail address of the corresponding author will be published, unless requested otherwise. Please note that only one corresponding author per manuscript should be provided.
Abstract. Provide an informative and completely self-explanatory abstract that reflects the content of the text clearly and accurately. Abstracts can have up to 200 words, except for Brevia and Perspectives papers, for which the abstracts are limited to 100 words. References should not be cited and any abbreviations and acronyms used must be defined at its first use in parentheses.
Keywords. Assign up to 5 keywords, in italics, for indexing purposes. The keywords should be listed alphabetically.
Main text. Within the text, make headings and subheadings following the journal pattern. The preferred format is for headings to be presented in bold format, with consecutive numbering.
Tables and figures. Figures are to be formatted to GIF, TIFF, EPS, BMP and JPG files with high resolution file (preferably 300 dpi for color figures and 900 dpi for line art and graphs). Each figure should also be saved as a separate electronic file. Tables should be typed and included as part of the manuscript. They should not be submitted as graphic elements. Please remember that tables prepared with Excel are not accepted unless embedded within your text document. The figures and tables will be mentioned in text in parenthesis. Arabic numerals should be used to number the tables and figures, according to their sequence of citation (Fig. 1), (Tab. 1). Typically tables and figures belong after the paragraph where they are first cited. Provide a short, self-explanatory title for each table and figure. Text used in tables/figures should be Arial font and 9 pt in size. Headings should be bold. Text should have single spacing. Tables and figures should be generally comprehensible without reference to the text. Tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text. All illustrations (photographs, graphs, and diagrams) should be called ‘Figures’. Tables and figures should be professionally drawn, of publication quality, and capable of proportional reduction. Keep in mind that figures should be meaningful, rather than decorative. There is no fee for the publication of color figures. Our editors encourage authors to submit figures in color, as we feel it improves the clarity and visual impact of the images. If previously published tables or figures are used, written permission from the original publisher and author is required. Cite the source of the table in the figure legend as follows: Figure reproduced from [source]. References to the source should be included in the reference list.
Acknowledgements (if applicable). Immediately after the text, provide the names of people who have made a significant contribution to the project but do not qualify as authors. Also, if applicable, cite sources of funding or other resources for the reported work. Promotional statements are not permitted. Individuals listed in the Acknowledgements section should be informed before the publication of any such acknowledgements and given the opportunity to decline the recognition. As a separate section following the acknowledgements, cite any conflicts of interest, if applicable.
List of references. In the References section, papers should be listed alphabetically by first author; papers with three or more authors should be listed in chronological order after any other papers by the first author. Only papers that have been accepted for publication but not yet published can be cited as ‘in press’ in the References list, and they must be accompanied by the name of the journal. Papers not yet accepted are not legitimate references and must be cited in the text only, as unpublished results, giving the initials and surnames of all authors. References to ‘manuscript submitted’ or ‘manuscript in preparation’ are not permitted. For all references authors must use the Humanities style, as it is presented in The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, at http://www.chicagomanualof tools_citationguide.html.
Warning! All references should be written in the original version; hence, any translation from the original quoted editions is forbidden. The titles of all books or articles which are not written in Latin alphabet should be phonetically transliterated. When words in foreign languages, names of foreign authors or characters are to be quoted, the original orthography is due to be preserved.
The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published. References should be cited in the text in brackets (Harvard style) as in the following examples: (Popescu, 2002), (Coman & Zanfir, 1998), (Keen et al., 2004). References should be alphabetically listed at the end of paper, as follows:
HOLT, D.H. (1997) Management principles and practices, Sydney :Prentice-Hall. MILKMAN, R. (1998) The new American workplace: Highroad or low road? in THOMPSON, P. & WARHURST C., (eds), Workplaces of the future, pp. 22-34. London: Macmillan Press.
Journal papers
JENNINGS, P. (1997) The performance and competitive advantage of small firms: a management perspective, International Small Business Journal, 15(2), pp. 63-75.
HOS, J.P. (2005) Mechanochemically synthesized nanomaterials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell membranes, PhD. thesis, University of Western Australia.
WEIDA, S. & STOLLEY, K. (2013) Developing strong thesis statements. Available from: https:// [13 October 2015].
Conference proceeding paper
Bird, R & Smart, M 2010, 'Assigning state taxes in a federal country: the case of Australia', Melbourne Institute - Australia's future tax and transfer policy conference: proceedings of a conference, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne, pp. 72-94.
Manuscripts must be sent to the editor, by e-mail only at: [email protected] PLEASE DO NOT SEND HARD COPY MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS. If the manuscript absolutely cannot be submitted online, mail a CD or flashdrive containing all files to the Editorial Office at: Iaşi, Pacurari Street, no. 11, Romania.
Manuscripts are examined by the editorial staff and re-evaluated by expert reviewers assigned by the editors. The Journal operates a doubly-anonymous peer review process, ensuring anonymity for both authors and referees. The acceptance criteria for all manuscripts are based on the quality and originality of the paper and its scientific significance, and topical balance of the journal. There are three possible recommendations: accept, accept conditioned by modifications, reject. An initial decision will normally be made within 3 weeks of receipt of a manuscript, and the reviewer’s comments are sent to the corresponding authors via e-mail. Following the external reviews, most authors are asked to undertake one or more revisions. If any corrections have been made, revised manuscripts must be submitted online by the corresponding author. The corresponding author must indicate the alterations that have been made in response to the referees’ comments item by item. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within 1 week of the editorial decision is regarded as a withdrawal. One of our Assistant Editors takes a final decision on your paper’s acceptability for publication in our Journal. The ultimate responsibility for any decision lies with the Editors-in-Chief.
Submission of the manuscript implies that if and when it is accepted for publication, the authors automatically agree to transfer the copyright to the publisher. The copyright protection implies that the publisher holds the exclusive right to reproduction in any form (including publication in another language) and distribution of any of the articles in the journal.
Duplicate publication of manuscripts is not acceptable. Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that neither the work nor any part of its essential substance, tables or figures have been or will be published or submitted to another scientific journal or is being considered for publication elsewhere (either in print or electronically), unless the Journal declines to publish the manuscript or it is withdrawn from consideration. This restriction does not apply to abstracts, but includes work published in any other language. Distribution on the Internet is considered prior publication. Manuscripts that are derived from papers presented at conferences or symposia can be submitted unless they have been published as part of the conference proceedings. However, submissions of articles based on published abstracts, or verbal or poster presentations at conferences or meetings are also welcomed. Direct release of information through press releases or media briefings may preclude publication. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that no material submitted as part of a manuscript is an infringement of any existing copyright, or the rights of a third party.
Any breach of research or publication ethics including plagiarism, submission of fraudulent results/data, including doctored figures, dual publication and false or incomplete attribution of authorship will not be tolerated. It will also be considered malpractice for an author to make inappropriate contact with a reviewer/editor during the review process with the aim of influencing the outcome. The Journal recognizes its responsibility to ensure that questions of scientific misconduct or dishonesty in research are adequately pursued. Should possible scientific misconduct or dishonesty be suspected or alleged, the Journal reserves the right to forward any submitted manuscript and associated material to the appropriate authority for investigation.
Manuscripts authored or coauthored by the Editor (in Chief), or any of the Associate Editors are handled by a Consulting Editor, who makes all the decisions about the manuscript (including choice of referees and ultimate acceptance or rejection).
Responsibility for the views expressed in this journal remains solely with the authors.
[email protected].